Earn Thousands of Dollars a Month Working at Home! Claims that you can earn a significant income working at home rarely can be supported. Very often, there is a catch. The victim is asked to provide payment for information on how to make money by working at home. The victim will usually receive nothing in return, or a packet of very vague information. Check these claims out carefully before sending any money. If it were possible to make the amounts claimed, the scammers would be doing the work themselves instead of engaging in fraud.
See Job Opportunity Scams
See Job Opportunity Scams
Beware of These 5 Common Work-From-Home Scams
The idea of staying home and working in your pajamas can sound appealing. But use caution when searching for such work. That great-sounding work-from-home job offer may be an internet scam in disguise.
The idea of staying home and working in your pajamas can sound appealing. But use caution when searching for such work. That great-sounding work-from-home job offer may be an internet scam in disguise.
- Requests for advance fees
- Offers to become a mystery shopper
- Offers to earn ‘big money’ through data entry
- Envelope-stuffing job offers
- Offers to make money through medical billing