A job searcher finds a great offer online that is perfect for them. Work from home, $60/hour and home equipment. Sounds perfect.
An over the phone interview goes perfectly. He or she is hired. Now they need the typical information that every employer needs: name, DOB, social security number, and bank information for direct deposit.
They even deposit a check for $8,000 for home office equipment. That is when things go wrong. The check clears then the money is withdrawn by the “company.” The bank calls you and tells you that the check came back later as stolen. Now you are out of the $8000 and the crooks have all your information.
This is just the beginning of your troubles.
An over the phone interview goes perfectly. He or she is hired. Now they need the typical information that every employer needs: name, DOB, social security number, and bank information for direct deposit.
They even deposit a check for $8,000 for home office equipment. That is when things go wrong. The check clears then the money is withdrawn by the “company.” The bank calls you and tells you that the check came back later as stolen. Now you are out of the $8000 and the crooks have all your information.
This is just the beginning of your troubles.