Remove Damaging Information from your Credit Report. These scam artists claim they can get truthful information removed from your credit report for a fee. Not true. Accurate information can be reported for five to 10 years. If your report has errors, you can get it corrected at no cost to you through the credit reporting agency. In addition, nonprofit organizations can help you rebuild your credit at no cost.
Debt relief service scams target consumers with significant credit card debt by falsely promising to negotiate with their creditors to settle or otherwise reduce consumers' repayment obligations. These operations often charge cash-strapped consumers a large up-front fee, but then fail to help them settle or lower their debts – if they provide any service at all. Some debt relief scams even tout their services using automated "robocalls" to consumers on the Do-Not-Call List.
Auto loan modification scams falsely promise See More
Here is a twist in credit card balance reduction scam. A victim’s account was compromised in California then a suspect started paying off his credit cards in Ohio. The bank official stated that they have been seeing this activity where the scammer promises to pay off the unwitting’ s debt for only a fraction of what is owed. The scammer takes percentage of the payments from the victim and pays off the debt with the victim’s account. The victim in this case was in his 80s.
Debt relief service scams target consumers with significant credit card debt by falsely promising to negotiate with their creditors to settle or otherwise reduce consumers' repayment obligations. These operations often charge cash-strapped consumers a large up-front fee, but then fail to help them settle or lower their debts – if they provide any service at all. Some debt relief scams even tout their services using automated "robocalls" to consumers on the Do-Not-Call List.
Auto loan modification scams falsely promise See More
Here is a twist in credit card balance reduction scam. A victim’s account was compromised in California then a suspect started paying off his credit cards in Ohio. The bank official stated that they have been seeing this activity where the scammer promises to pay off the unwitting’ s debt for only a fraction of what is owed. The scammer takes percentage of the payments from the victim and pays off the debt with the victim’s account. The victim in this case was in his 80s.