The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) set up a new toll-free telephone number (877-355-0213) for tips on how to avoid COVID vaccine scams.
If you call the Helpline, you will hear these tips in English or Spanish:
If you call the Helpline, you will hear these tips in English or Spanish:
- You can’t pay to put your name on a list to get the vaccine. That’s a scam.
- You can’t pay to get early access to the vaccine. That’s a scam.
- Nobody legit will call, text, or email about the vaccine and ask for your Social Security, bank account, or credit card number. That’s a scam.
Fake Vaccination Cards
If You Make or Buy a Fake COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, You Endanger Yourself and Those Around You, and You Are Breaking the Law.
Coronavirus Advice for Consumers
If You Make or Buy a Fake COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, You Endanger Yourself and Those Around You, and You Are Breaking the Law.
Coronavirus Advice for Consumers